Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 11: Homework

Thank you for helping your children. Homework will be sent home on Mondays. If there is no school on Mondays, homework will be sent home on Tuesdays. The children will do their English homework on Monday and Wednesday. The Spanish homework will be done on Tuesday and Thursday. If your child is absent over an extended period, please pick up the packet from me, ready on Mondays. We will give your child up to the following Monday to turn it in.

Our schedule this week:

Monday (English) 
Packet with the initial /q/ sound.

Tuesday (Spanish)
1- Write three syllables words, color, cut and glue.
2- Trace ABC letters
3-Trace and color red items

Wednesday (English) 
Packet with the initial  /r/ sound.

Thursday (Spanish) 
1-Write three syllables words, color, cut and glue.
2- Trace number 1,count and complete activities.
3-Found the rhymes words.

1. Take out the homework packet for the week from the binder and leave it at home. The children do not need to take them to school every day until Friday, when it is time to submit the packet unless they go to after school care and you want them to do their homework there.

2. Homework is graded on the following criteria:
a. Correct answers
b. Neatness
c. Timely submission
d. Following directions

3. Make sure your child writes his/her full (first and last) name on the front of the packet. Please continue practicing with your child how to write their name. We still have some who says that they are unable to do so.

4. Keep the packet stapled, in the same order in which it was sent.

5. Timely submission is part of their grade. So please be conscientious in sending your child’s homework at all times.

For every day a student is late in submitting homework, a half-point will be deducted from the grade. The student will receive a grade of zero if homework is not submitted. We will allot extra time for completion if the student was absent due to illness, family travel, or any other unusual circumstances, on a case by case basis. If, however, after the extra time, the homework is not submitted, the student will receive a grade of zero.

6. Thank you so much for helping your child clean up his/her binder by removing finished school work that was sent home. They are doing well in practicing their organizational skill, something they will need their whole life.

November 7, 2016
Dear Parents,

Blessed be God!

Please read the REMINDERS below.  We have a lot of upcoming events.

November 7 (Monday)                   P.E. (Please have your children wear their P.E. uniform)
                                                            Homework Sent Home

November 8 (Tuesday)                  Regular Day
November 9 (Wednesday)            P.E. (Please have your children wear their P.E. uniform.)
             Mass at mater Dei parish.  Families are invited. No mass uniform.

WALKATHON – P.E. Uniform
                                                            Dismissal is at 11:30 in front of Guadalupe Center.

November 11 (Friday)                   NO SCHOOL FOR VETERAN’S DAY


Thank you for helping your children. Homework will be sent home on Mondays. If there is no school on Mondays, homework will be sent home on Tuesdays.  The children will do their English homework on Monday and Wednesday.  The Spanish homework will be done on Tuesday and Thursday.  If your child is absent over an extended period, please pick up the packet from me, ready on Mondays. We will give your child up to the following Monday to turn it in.

Our schedule this week:

Monday (English)                            Packet with the initial /q/ sound.

Tuesday (Spanish)                          Packet with the syllables for s,p,t,l and n.
Wednesday (English)                     Packet with the initial  /r/ sound.

Thursday (Spanish)                        Packet with the syllables for s,p,t,l, and n.                                                             
1.     Take out the homework packet for the week from the binder and leave it at home. The children do not need to take them to school every day until Friday, when it is time to submit the packet unless they go to after school care and you want them to do their homework there.

2.     Homework is graded on the following criteria:
a.     Correct answers
b.     Neatness
c.      Timely submission
d.     Following directions

3.     Make sure your child writes his/her full (first and last) name on the front of the packet. Please continue practicing with your child how to write their name.  We still have some who says that they are unable to do so.

4.     Use RED pencil tracing; REGULAR pencil for writing; and CRAYONS for coloring.  Do not use markers for coloring because they bleed and makes the paper look messy.

Keep the packet stapled, in the same order in which it was sent.

5.    Timely submission is part of their grade. So please be conscientious in sending your child’s homework at all times.

For every day a student is late in submitting homework, a half-point will be deducted from the grade. The student will receive a grade of zero if homework is not submitted. We will allot extra time for completion if the student was absent due to illness, family travel, or any other unusual circumstances, on a case by case basis. If, however, after the extra time, the homework is not submitted, the student will receive a grade of zero.

6.     Thank you so much for helping your child clean up his/her binder by removing finished school work that was sent home.  They are doing well in practicing their organizational skill, something they will need their whole life.

1.     Reading:
a.     Phonics: Letter name and sound of /q/ and /r/
b.     Phonemic Awareness: Recognize rhyming words
          Count syllables on words of the month
          Count words on sentences.
c.      Vocabulary:
-       Words that begin with the sound of /q/ and /r/ sound
-       High Frequency Words: the, for, in, is, it
Word Wall: October words
d.     Shared Reading: Poem of the Week: “Over The Meadow and Through The Woods”
e.     Guided Reading: “Veteran’s Day”
f.      Close Reading: “Blue Bonnet”
2.     Writing:
a.     Guided Handwriting: Uppercase and lowercase Oo and Pp.
b.     Writer’s Workshop: Sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation marks (period, question mark, and exclamation mark).
1.     Reading:
a.     Read “Juegos A Leer” (Words that start with p,s,l,t,m,n
b.     Read stories for November themes.
c.      Phonics: Identify, sound, syllables and write letters p,l,m,n,t,s

2.     Writing:
a.     Narrative writing on seasons
b.     Write words using combination syllables for s,l,m,t,p,n
1.     Represent, Model and Count number 10
2.     Daily calendar

Social Studies
1.     Spanish – Pilgrims
2.     English –  Native Americans (Iroqious, Hopi and Sioux)- customs, traditions compare with pilgrims
1.     Spanish – Discuss seasons (changes in environment, clothes, activities).
2.     English – Read: “Tap that Tree” – life cycle of a maple tree over the seasons.
       1.  Pilgrim Hats (geometric shapes).


We will join the Mater Dei High School for this event.  The children will have a special spot in the middle of the football field where we will have various activities while the High School students are doing their Walkathon.  We will join them towards the end of the walk.  All students have to wear their PE UNIFORM. Attendance will be checked at the beginning of the class and at the end before dismissal.  The whole class will return to our classroom after the walk.  PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD HOME UNTIL DISMISSAL. DISMISSAL WILL BE AT 11:30.  Any child who leave earlier than the 11:30 dismissal will be marked with an unexcused absence.  We thank you for your cooperation.
If you have not given your donation for the Walkathon, please do so by tomorrow November 9.  For every $50.00 donation, you will get 2 raffle tickets and 5 hours of volunteer time towards your yearly service hours.

We will have our weekly mass tomorrow, Wednesday, November 9, instead of this Friday.  Since this is their P.E. Day, they are allowed to wear their P.E. uniform instead of the mass uniform.  This mass will be offered for Marco Torres, one of our students in Kindergarten who has been diagnosed with Leukemia.  Please keep him and his family in your prayers.  We have talked to the children that he is sick but did not provide details.  They know that he can not come to school for awhile.  We pray for him everyday.  On the days that he feels good, we Facetime with him while we are in class learning. This way he is still very much a part of our class.  Their family will be joining us tomorrow.

We will have the Navy Color Guard and the Mater Dei High School band join us on Thursday for morning assembly to celebrate Veteran’s Day.  The Navy Color Guard will present while the high school band play the National Anthem.  If you are an active or retired member of the military, please join us.  You are more than welcome to come in uniform. We have been talking in class how our military prtotect us and our freedoms.  Therefore, it is only fitting that we pray for their safety and we show our gratitude at all times.

We have posted our conference times From November 16 - November 18 on Shuterfly.  Please sign-up if you have not done so.  There are two slots for the families per 30 minute interval.  We look forward to seeing you. We are eager to share your child’s progress in class. 

We are currently collecting canned goods and dried foods for our Food Drive.  We will give these much needed items to our brothers and sisters who need the help the most through our charitable institutions.  Please check the expiration dates on all the items that you will donate.  Please write your child’s name on the bag and drop it off in our classroom


1.     WEDNESDAY, November 9
a.     2 parents to prepare homework packets and schoolwork
b.     2 parents to organize graded work to be sent home.
Please sign up at shutterfly. Then email us to confirm.  We only want the specified number of volunteers per day to keep it manageable for us.

Mater Dei, lead us to your son, Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Faina­­ Salter and Karina Moncayo

Below are additional resources for our families:

1.  Khan Academy  (Math Resource)


1.  Raz-Kids  (Reading Resource)

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