Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 09 - Homework

Thank you for helping your children. Homework will be sent home on Mondays. If there is no school on Mondays, homework will be sent home on Tuesdays. The children will do their English homework on Monday and Wednesday. The Spanish homework will be done on Tuesday and Thursday. If your child is absent over an extended period, please pick up the packet from me, ready on Mondays. We will give your child up to the following Monday to turn it in.

Our schedule this week:

Monday (English) 
1. Trace and write uppercase and lowercase Nn.
2. Color, cut, and glue picture that has the initial /n/ sound.
3. Color the sets that show numbers 10.
4. Trace and write the number 10 and the word eight.

Tuesday (Spanish)
Trace the letter L-l.
Identify words start with "l", Cut and glue "m" syllabus.

Decorate with pieces of paper or fabric to characterize a skeleton representing a celebrity.

Wednesday (English) 
1. Trace and write uppercase and lowercase Oo.
2. Color, cut, and glue picture that has the initial short /o/ sound.
3. Color the sets that show numbers 6-10.
4. Write the missing number in the sequence 6-10

Thursday (Spanish) 
Trace the letter S-s.
Identify words start with "s"

1. Take out the homework packet for the week from the binder and leave it at home. The children do not need to take them to school every day until Friday, when it is time to submit the packet unless they go to after school care and you want them to do their homework there.

2. Homework is graded on the following criteria:
a. Correct answers
b. Neatness
c. Timely submission
d. Following directions

3. Make sure your child writes his/her full (first and last) name on the front of the packet. Please continue practicing with your child how to write their name. We still have some who says that they are unable to do so.

4. Keep the packet stapled, in the same order in which it was sent.

5. Timely submission is part of their grade. So please be conscientious in sending your child’s homework at all times.

For every day a student is late in submitting homework, a half-point will be deducted from the grade. The student will receive a grade of zero if homework is not submitted. We will allot extra time for completion if the student was absent due to illness, family travel, or any other unusual circumstances, on a case by case basis. If, however, after the extra time, the homework is not submitted, the student will receive a grade of zero.

6. Thank you so much for helping your child clean up his/her binder by removing finished school work that was sent home. They are doing well in practicing their organizational skill, something they will need their whole life.

Below are additional resources for our families:

1.  Khan Academy  (Math Resource)


1.  Raz-Kids  (Reading Resource)

Parent Letter:

October 24, 2016
Dear Parents,

Blessed be God!

Please read the HOMEWORK GUIDELINES below.  Some children are still turning in their homework without following the guidelines.


October 24 (Monday)                     P.E. (Please have your children wear their P.E. uniform)
                                                            Homework Sent Home

October 25 (Tuesday)                    Regular Day
October 26 (Wednesday)              P.E. (Please have your children wear their P.E. uniform.)

October 27 (Thursday)                 Regular Day
                                                            Mass at Mater Dei Church (8:30 AM). Families are invited to attend. (Please have your child wear their mass uniform).

October 28 (Friday)                       Pumpkin Activities
                                                            Trunk or Treat
                                                            Regular Dismissal


Thank you for helping your children. Homework will be sent home on Mondays. If there is no school on Mondays, homework will be sent home on Tuesdays.  The children will do their English homework on Monday and Wednesday.  The Spanish homework will be done on Tuesday and Thursday.  If your child is absent over an extended period, please pick up the packet from me, ready on Mondays. We will give your child up to the following Monday to turn it in.

Our schedule this week:

Monday (English)                            Packet with the /n/ sound.

Tuesday (Spanish)                          Packet with the letter “l” – Trace letter and syllables.     
Wednesday (English)                     Packet with the short /o/ sound.

Thursday (Spanish)                        Packet with the letter “s” – Trace letter and syllables.
                                                            Book Report in English

1.     Take out the homework packet for the week from the binder and leave it at home. The children do not need to take them to school every day until Friday, when it is time to submit the packet unless they go to after school care and you want them to do their homework there.

2.     Homework is graded on the following criteria:
a.     Correct answers
b.     Neatness
c.      Timely submission
d.     Following directions

3.     Make sure your child writes his/her full (first and last) name on the front of the packet. Please continue practicing with your child how to write their name.  We still have some who says that they are unable to do so.

4.     Use RED pencil tracing; REGULAR pencil for writing; and CRAYONS for coloring.  Do not use markers for coloring because they bleed and makes the paper look messy.

Keep the packet stapled, in the same order in which it was sent.

5.    Timely submission is part of their grade. So please be conscientious in sending your child’s homework at all times.

For every day a student is late in submitting homework, a half-point will be deducted from the grade. The student will receive a grade of zero if homework is not submitted. We will allot extra time for completion if the student was absent due to illness, family travel, or any other unusual circumstances, on a case by case basis. If, however, after the extra time, the homework is not submitted, the student will receive a grade of zero.

6.     Thank you so much for helping your child clean up his/her binder by removing finished school work that was sent home.  They are doing well in practicing their organizational skill, something they will need their whole life.

1.     Reading:
a.     Phonics: Letter name and sound of /n/ and  short /o/
b.     Phonemic Awareness: Recognize rhyming words
          Count syllables on words of the month
c.      Vocabulary:
-       Words that begin with the sound of/n/ and short /o/ sound
-       High Frequency Words: the, for, in, is, it
-       Word Wall: October words
d.     Shared Reading: Poem of the Week: “ Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
e.     Guided Reading: “A Day At the Farm”
f.      Close Reading: “Red Leaf, yellow Leaf” and “The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything”
2.     Writing:
a.     Guided Handwriting: Uppercase and lowercase Nn and Oo.
b.     Writer’s Workshop: Students will continue to work on Informative Writing using the Life Cycle of A Pumpkin. Have students draw and describe their experience at the pumpkin patch in relation to what they learned about pumpkins.
1.     Reading:
a.     Read “Juegos A Leer”
b.     Phonics: Identify, sound, syllables and write letter T and D
2.     Writing:
a.     Write about the places in Mexico
b.     Write words that begin with L and S
1.     Represent, Model and Count number 6-9 (Review and Chapter Test)
2.     Daily calendar

Social Studies
1.     Spanish – Mexico and Dia de Muertos
2.     English - Halloween
1.     English – Read story on Farm. Work on farm art projects.
2.     Spanish – Continue learning about farm and farm animals.
       1. Draw a pumpkin patch; Draw a farm; Make farm animal puppets.


1.     Please continue to read books in English and Spanish on Raz Kids
We will email you the book report format with instructions and a sample for both English and Spanish.  We will alternate the book reports each week between the two languages.  We will start with English next week.  Please check the monthly calendar for the schedule.  We had the children practice last week with a story in English.  This week, they will practice doing it in Spanish.  We will make modifications to the format as they become better writers and readers. Please pick a book with a story that has a beginning, middle and end. 


a.     2 parents to prepare homework packets and schoolwork
b.     2 parents to organize graded work to be sent home.
Please sign up at shutterfly. Then email us to confirm.  We only want the specified number of volunteers per day to keep it manageable for us.

a.     Pumpkin Activities –This is similar to our Apple activities last month.  We will send a separate emai tomorrow regarding the details.
b.     Trunk or Treat – We will also send a separate email to update all of you on our class plans as soon as I get an update with our room moms.

3.     We need parents to make playdough at home for us every two weeks starting next week. This is a perfect way for parents who can not come to the classroom to help to earn your volunteer hours. We will post the recipe on Shutterfly and you can sign-up for the days that you want to do it.

Mater Dei, lead us to your son, Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Faina­­ Salter and Karina Moncayo

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